Friday, October 12, 2012

The Potent Power of Power Pix

 Here is the reveal of my Power Pix Wall:

Reading Power Pix Wall

Math Power Pix Wall

Initially, I was VERY intimidated and overwhelmed about using Power Pix in my classroom! Given that I teach 5th grade and Power Pix are only already made for grade 3 and below, I felt I didn’t have time to create them AND implement all the other components of WBT. I am so thankful I decided to commit to using them in my classroom! If you want to know the basics of Power Pix, read my post on the Whole Brain Teaching forum HERE. Now that I have used them as an integral part of my lessons for over a month, I can give a personal account of its powerful benefits.


I begin almost every lesson with the introduction of the Power Pix that goes along with the standard I’m teaching. I then introduce a gesture that correlates with the visual representation. Students mirror my gestures and “teach” each other (also using gestures and eventually specific examples). I always begin my review lessons by calling the appropriate grid coordinate on the Power Pix wall that relates to the specific lesson.  Using Power Pix as a lesson starter, will engage visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners from the very beginning of instruction!

If students cannot recall how to do a particular math problem or how to figure out an author’s Point of View, all they need to do is look at the board for the direct reminder. I often see students gesturing and looking at the Power Pix while working through independent work! You can actually cover a specific Power Pix for a test, and students STILL visually remember which one was there. You can integrate critical thinking skills by having students compare and contrast different Power Pix using the *because* clapper. For example: A prime number is different from a composite number *because* a prime number only has 2 factors, 1 and itself, and a composite number has more than 2 factors.

I am a do- it – yourselfer at heart, so I draw my own Power Pix. This works for me because I can decide to add one at any time, especially if I decide to change the way I approach the lesson. I plan on eventually streamlining them and scanning them for the use of other 5th grade teachers. Being that I taught 4th grade last year, a lot of the same ones may also be used. I am going to laminate them so that they stay in good shape for years to come. If you don’t fancy drawing your own, there are templates you can insert clipart unto right HERE.  I still have to write the corresponding common core standard on each Power Pix.

I always used to get annoyed when students would finish work or tests early and ask me the dreaded question “I’m finished! What do I do now?” Now, they sit in their seats and review their gestures using the Power Pix wall, grab a SuperSpeed folder and practice their fluency or EVEN do this:

Can you believe it? This picture is from a couple of weeks ago, but the amazing thing is that this student leaves the room several times a day for accommodations and he STILL found a way to copy this to use as his personal study guide! I saw him doing this during breakfast one morning and HAD to snap a picture as proof!

If you still have doubts that Power Pix could work in your classroom, just promise yourself to try it for even a week! If you have any questions, or want any gesture ideas to go with your lessons, feel free to ask! EVERY class has visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners that could benefit from using this technique! Allow yourself the opportunity to discover the potent power of Power Pix!

If you would like to learn more, watch Webcast 529 below, or at your own convenience at!



  1. Awesome Power Pix, Jasselle! Your student's notebook is fabulous, and very moving! Thanks for sharing your experiences with us! I look forward to following your blog!
    Mrs. Stoltenberg's Second Grade Class

  2. I'm glad that you didn't let your initial hesitation slow you down! I really like the idea of Power Pix in the classroom to differentiate instruction and address multiple intelligences and I think I am going to try them at the high school level!

    Miss L (WBT Blog Bug)
    Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching

  3. Thank You Nancy,so glad you are following now :) I will be following you as well!

    Miss L, Power Pix will easily work at the high school level too! Good Luck!!

  4. I found something pretty similar to power pix for upper grades concept learning bricks. They have them for upper grades in math and ELA....I can't remember the site off the top of my head, but if you search concept learning bricks I'm pretty sure you'll find them.

    Your stuff looks great!

  5. I appreciate that! I will have to check it out!!


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